Refresher session developed in accordance with statutory legislation. Updates you with the latest steps required to ensure the suitability of adults in your setting.
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Safer recruitment is one of the most important aspects of protecting and safeguarding the children in your care. The governing body of a maintained school must ensure when appointing a member of the school workforce, that at least one member of the appointment panel has undertaken appropriate training in how to take proper account of the need to safeguard and promote the welfare of children when recruiting staff. Keeping Children Safe in Education states: it is good practice for appointment panels of academy schools to be appropriately trained. Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage states: providers must ensure that people looking after children are suitable to fulfil the requirements of their roles, have effective systems in place to ensure that practitioners, and any other person who is likely to have regular contact with children (including those living or working on the premises) are suitable.
Safer recruitment is not just about carrying out a DBS check prior to staff starting. Effective safer recruitment practices are critical when recruiting staff or volunteers in helping to minimise the risk of allowing a person who is unsuitable to work with children. Needless to say, the consequences of inadequately trained practitioners, ineffective safeguarding policies and procedures can be devastating for all involved.
This interactive workshop has been developed in accordance with the latest statutory legislation: Keeping Children Safe in Education, safeguarding updates and the latest Department for Education: Staffing and employment advice for schools, and the latest Rehabilitation of Offender Orders and EEA checks for teachers.
It is ideally placed to act as a refresher session for any members of a recruitment panel or governor who haven’t attended safer recruitment for 2 or more years as it will take you through the necessary updated steps required to ensure the people working with children in your educational setting are safe to do so.
For anyone NEW to safer recruitment roles and responsibilities we would recommend attending our accredited Safer Recruitment in Education one day workshop.
Training will be delivered via Zoom.
All attendees will receive a Certificate of Participation.