Safeguarding & Child Protection Awareness 2024/25 TRAINING VIDEO completion of this training, please advise your line manager or person responsible for your training record. Your line manager will notify us...
Safeguarding Package - Training & Services Information Contact us Safeguarding Training All our training courses are designed to significantly improve delegate understanding and are constantly updated in response to changing...
Reflective Supervision Programme Contact us to find out more Reflective Supervision in EducationPAGE UNDER CONSTRUCTION Thanks for your patienceIf you would like further information about our Reflective Supervision Programme, please...
Reflective Supervision in Education Request further information A supportive and collaborative approach to Reflective Supervision Develop and maintain self-awareness, critical thinking, and sound decision making in the context of safeguardingReflective...
Safeguarding Policy Review & Development Request further information Ensuring the effectiveness and compliance with the law, protecting the welfare of both children and those supporting them With our Policy Review...
Safeguarding Audits Request further information Improve the effectiveness of your safeguarding We are here to help you understand your Safeguarding duties and responsibilities, and to enable you to develop and...