Trainer led sessions for new Designated Safeguarding Leads, deputies, SENCO or safeguarding team members.
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Advanced Training: fully compliant with the criteria as laid out in Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE) and as described in the previous level 3 DSL training level system.
As the DSL or deputy you should take the lead responsibility for safeguarding of children within your school, providing advice and support to staff, pupils, families and multi-agencies. The latest version of KCSiE states 'you are most likely to have a complete safeguarding picture and be the most appropriate person to advise on the response to safeguarding concerns'.
Therefore, it is essential that your knowledge of safeguarding and child protection procedures is not only in-depth but also up to date. Keeping Children Safe in Education requires the DSL and any deputies to undergo training every two years in order to provide them with the knowledge and skills required to carry out their role, not only to provide support and advice but to ensure they meet the statutory requirements.
Our interactive and professionally delivered training has been designed in-house by our NSPCC Approved Trainer, to provide essential knowledge and understanding of the expectations, responsibilities and duties of Designated and Deputy Safeguarding Lead roles in accordance with the latest guidance: KCSiE, Working Together to Safeguard Children, Early Years Statutory Framework (EYFS), Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act and many more...
It will take you through the broad areas of responsibilities and activities related to the Safeguarding Lead role. Providing delegates with support and guidance around statutory safeguarding legislation, safeguarding policy and best practice guidance, which affects their new role and safeguarding practices within their setting.
The role and responsibilities of the Safeguarding Team and working with local agencies.
Introduction of reflection and the tools needed to be effective.
Identify the latest key legislation underpinning safeguarding in England.
Understand why we need a contextual approach to safeguarding and child protection.
Reflection on real life scenarios, identifying poor practices and embedding lessons learnt.
Consider the signs, indications and required response to Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) and other emerging safeguarding concerns.
Understand how to respond to allegations and low-level concerns around adults in school.
Importance of record keeping and effective information sharing.
Following the training delegates will be required to complete an Online Training Assessment to demonstrate their understanding of their role and responsibilities.
Those successfully achieving an 80% pass rate will receive a Certificate of Participation, an Information Booklet signposting to the latest guidance, additional training and a PDF overview of the standard course slides.
Safeguarding Simplified.
All participants, attending this course, will benefit from reading the latest version of the following guidance before the training.
Experienced Designated and Deputy Safeguarding Leads who have already attended a 2-day Designated Safeguarding Lead training should attend our 1-day DSL: 2 Yearly Update session.
Who should attend this course?
This course is aimed at:
New Designated Safeguarding Leads
New Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads
New members of the Safeguarding Team
New Senior Leadership Team members, with responsibility for Safeguarding
New Nominated Safeguarding Governors
New and experienced safeguarding practitioners wanting to refresh their understanding of the importance of the role and responsibilities of the DSL role.