Safeguarding & Child Protection Awareness 2024/25


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Frequently asked questions

Section 175 of the 2002 Education Act requires Local Education Authorities and Governing Bodies of maintained schools and FE colleges, should make arrangements to ensure that their functions are carried out with a view to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. Section 157 of the 2002 Education Act and the Independent School Regulations 2003 convey the same responsibilities on all other non-maintained settings.

This is a supportive process. The aim of the review is to provide positive professional challenge, acting as a critical friend.

We will independently assess whether appropriate steps are being taken to safeguard pupils and the adults in your care.

The Audit outcomes are to ensure that any shortcomings in compliance, policy, procedures, and knowledge are identified and communicated.

One of the most effective ways to ensure your setting is meeting safeguarding compliance is to commission an independent Safeguarding Audit. Some settings have had their safeguarding arrangements in place and passed down from senior management to senior management over many years without regular and objective review or investigation.

Allowing an impartial, constructive, and professional pair of eyes to review your procedures will  be invaluable when senior leaders and governing boards are looking for assurance that the safeguarding provision within your setting is effective.

Our safeguarding audits will look to validate your settings internal reporting and self-assessment procedures, not only testing the arrangements are robust but are properly embedded into your policies and procedures. 

A Section 175/157 audit is a deep dive review, in accordance with Section 11 of the Children Act 2004, which places duties on a range of organisations, agencies and individuals to ensure their functions, and any services that they contract out to others, are discharged having regard to the need to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

The Single Central Record (SCR) is fundamentally your most important safeguarding document, as it evidences compliance of the required safer recruitment checks and assures the governing body of the suitability of all adults working in school.

The review takes approximately 3-hours. We look at how the schools SCR complies with statutory and best practice requirements. 

On our visit, we will work through our Audit Tool and we will request evidence of your compliance to key safeguarding standards. 

We look to seek assurance that the governing body, senior leaders and designated safeguarding lead have appropriate safeguarding and child protection policies and  procedures in place and the skills and knowledge to safeguard children effectively.

Yes. The Section 175/157 review is a deep dive review. This review is in accordance with Section 11 of the Children Act 2004, which places duties on a range of organisations, agencies, and individuals to ensure their functions, and any services that they contract out to others, are discharged having regard to the need to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

The SCR review takes approximately 3 hours, and we look at compliance of the statutory and best practice requirements of the school’s SCR template.

The review also samples personal files cross referencing the safer recruitment evidence held in the file with the SCR. Throughout the review advice and recommendations are provided at school and Trust level followed by a RAG Summary Report.

To have a true reflection and understanding of safeguarding culture and ethos within a setting there is no formal preparation for our review. To fully benefit from the audit, our expectation is that key stakeholders will be openly cooperative and provide access to required evidence.

Each setting will delegate their safeguarding responsibilities differently and who attends what section of the review is different in each school.

Our Audit Tool has been designed to be flexible and can be adapted to work with your teams availability.

Here are some examples of who typically attends which sections:

  • Nominated safeguarding governor:
    • Governance section
    • SCR
    • The whole review
  • Senior leaders:
    • The whole review
  • Designated safeguarding lead/safeguarding team:
    • Statutory and best practice
    • Designated safeguarding lead/safeguarding team
    • Information sharing and record keeping
    • Information to staff
    • Safer recruitment
    • SCR
    • The whole review
  • School business manager:
    • Safer recruitment
    • SCR
    • Information to staff
    • Information sharing and record keeping
    • Providing a safe environment

Due to the nature of a review, each audit will have a bespoke focus and as such there is no prescribed format. An example of question, documentation and evidence may be:

 How do you evidence your staff working directly with children, have received, read, and understood their responsibilities in line with the latest Keeping Children Safe in Education.

An example of a response:

We provide the latest version of Part 1, Part 5 and Annex B of Keeping Children Safe in Education, evidence is systematically recorded e.g. CPOMS library. In addition, we provide half-termly online safeguarding assessments to assure yourself of staff understanding of their safeguarding responsibilities.

Yes, we expect schools to approach our review as they would a regulated inspection and therefore provide access to evidence to support compliance. The Summary Report will detail the supporting material provided.

On the day we will work through our Audit Tool, and we will request evidence of your compliance to key safeguarding criteria.

We look to seek assurance that the governing body, senior leaders, and designated safeguarding lead have appropriate safeguarding and child protection policies, procedures in place and the skills and knowledge to safeguard children effectively.

We found the review extremely useful and good value for money. The session felt very supportive- where gaps were identified, Yvonne worked with us on the day to ensure we had the most up to date legislation and appropriate paperwork, so we were able to immediately implement changes. Her safeguarding knowledge is exceptional. It is invaluable to have a safeguarding guru on your side. As a headteacher you often feel you have so many plates to spin and safeguarding is an area that you simply can not afford to get wrong!

The review feedback has been a very useful tool- we have been able to work quickly through the action points and now feel very confident that are safeguarding arrangements are effective. Governors also found the documents useful. Yvonne has been very supportive with any follow up queries, and we will certainly be making it an annual part of our school improvement cycle. I would highly recommend Safeguarding Support.

Rachel, Nursery School Headteacher

Rachel Priestley

Rach has a background in Business Development and Administration, gaining much of her knowledge and experience through her 19 year career with the NHS working within the executive office, community services and public health. 

Before moving on from the NHS, Rach supported the Chief Executive, the Chairman and the Trust Board of a local NHS Care Trust, which managed Children’s Services. Her responsibilities spanned across HR, Finance, Governance, Compliance, Risk, systems and processes, and internal training. Rach also supported the Children’s Safeguarding Lead with safeguarding investigations.

In 2017, she left the NHS to pursue a successful self-employed career supporting business to grow, with flexible business development and administration support, which she continues to do on a part-time basis.

Rach is in house trained, and is passionate about delivering outstanding services and enjoys working as part of the safeguarding team to achieve a common goal.

In her own time, she loves spending time outside, and long walks with the two family dogs. 

Shelley Armstrong

Shelley joined Safeguarding Support in 2020 as an experienced AET-qualified freelance trainer, and now enjoys working across the business, keeping clients as up to date as possible with the ever changing challenges facing safeguarding children in education.

Whilst we aim to simplify safeguarding, Shelley’s passion is to ensure engagement, pride and confidence through training and support. Shelley enjoys applying the competencies gained in different industries and environments to researching, designing, and developing materials for those with the responsibility to safeguard children, and in return has enormous respect for their commitment.

Her experience across the private business sector brings commercial skills to training and her background in psychology and counselling ensure courses are designed and delivered with the learner in mind.

Shelley lives in Yorkshire and enjoys walking her springer spaniels – come rain or shine!

Abigail Havon

Abigail is an experienced AET qualified trainer who began her safeguarding career in the charity sector.  There she was a regional manager and part of the safeguarding leadership team.  She was involved in writing policies and procedures, developing, and delivering training and supporting staff and volunteers to work 121 with children struggling with their literacy. 

She has worked in a variety of business environments gaining experience in different sectors. She has always chosen roles that call for collaboration and communication to bring the best out in people and projects to completion.  Abigail passionately believes that empowering educators to work together as part of a safeguarding team will lead to better outcomes for children and young people. 

As part of the SSL training team her role focuses mainly on delivering virtual training. 

Abigail lives near the Jurassic Coast and enjoys long walks and caring for her jungle of houseplants.  

Carol Stephenson

Carol has spent her entire career teaching in Bradford primary schools. Most recently she was Head Teacher of a large, outstanding, multi-academy trust, inner-city
school where she gained Local Leaders of Education (LLE) status.

Carol is a highly experienced Designated Safeguarding Lead and safeguarding Governor, with an extensive range of expertise, skills and knowledge. It was through this depth of experience that she became a dedicated representative of Bradford Children’s Safeguarding Board. In June 2019, Carol was awarded a Bradford Safeguarding Champions lifetime achievement award 2019 for her continued work in safeguarding the children of Bradford.

Carol is in-house trained and is NSPCC certified to deliver Child Protection and Safeguarding training.

In her spare time, Carol enjoys working on her allotment.