Single Central Record workshop covering how to manage and be compliant with your SCR template.
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Keeping Children Safe in Education states all schools must maintain a single central record (SCR) of pre-appointment checks, which must cover all staff, including teacher trainees on salaried routes, agency and third party supply staff who work at the school. For independent schools, all members of the proprietor body and in the case of academies and free schools, the members and trustees of the academy trust.
The SCR is a key safeguarding document and is often the first thing which is looked at by School Inspectors to determine that those working in school are safe to do so. This document plays a crucial part in establishing and evidencing mandatory safeguarding recruitment practices are being adhered to.
Population and maintaining the SCR is a key responsibility often carried out by School Business Managers or School Administrators. The completeness and accuracy of the checks being carried out and the information recorded on the SCR is often the responsibility of the Safeguarding Governor, Senior Leaders or Designated Safeguarding Lead. Therefore it is imperative that these key roles have awareness and understanding of the expectations of which recruitment checks need to be completed and what evidence needs to be obtained and recorded.
This non-statutory 2-hour session has been developed to complement and further strengthen existing safer recruitment knowledge, as well as give those staff members confidence and understanding for daily management of the SCR. This course is available for delivery live and virtual or onsite. It is not intended to replace the need to attend a statutory Safer Recruitment Training session.
An interactive workshop developed in accordance with statutory legislation, including Keeping Children Safe in Education and best practice, which will take you through the safer recruitment steps to ensure a clear understanding of compliance around the minimum requirements for entries on the SCR.
All attendees receive a Participation Certificate.
Who should attend this course?
Those with day to day management responsibility of the SCR. i.e Business Manager, administration staff
Those with the overall responsibility for checking accuracy and completeness of the SCR. i.e. Senior Leaders, nominated safeguarding Governors