Meeting digital and technology standards in schools and colleges
Over the Easter break the DfE introduced new filtering and monitoring standards, Meeting digital and technology standards in schools and colleges, and are encouraging schools to use them to review their current systems and when necessary reinforce their current systems.
Key areas of the guidance:
- Importance of and how to meet the standard
- Annual review of systems as a minimum or when a safeguarding risk is identified, a change in working practice or introduction of new technology
- Review should be conducted by members of SLT, DSL, the IT service provider and involve the responsible governor
- Checks should be undertaken from both a safeguarding and IT perspective
- Review of blocklists should be modified in line with changes to safeguarding risks
- Recording logs of checks e.g. When the checks took place / Who did the checks / What they tested/checked / Resulting actions
- Effective monitoring strategies that meet the safeguarding needs of YOUR school. The DSL should take lead responsibility for any safeguarding and child protection matters that are picked up through monitoring:
- Incidents should be urgently picked up, acted on and outcomes are recorded
- It should be clear to all staff how to deal with these incidents and who should lead on any actions
- Training should be provided to make sure their knowledge is current
- Check you are meeting the Cyber security standards
- Monitoring procedures need to be reflected in your Acceptable Use Policy, integrated into relevant online safety, safeguarding and organisational policies, such as privacy notices.
See full guidance here.
Useful resources:
Things you need to consider
- Is the knowledge of your key stakeholders up to date?
- Are your policies up to date?
Please contact us if you need any support in making sure your key safeguarding stakeholders are up to date with knowledge and training, and if you need support with policy development and updates.
Call 01274 752299 or email admin@safeguardingsupport.com.