Senior Mental Health Lead Training Grant We are fast approaching the deadline for settings to claim a senior mental health lead training grant. We understand take up has been encouraging...
The Benefits of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) In Safeguarding CPD links formal and information learning directly to your professional practice and is an investment in yourself. CPD in Safeguarding provides...
School inspection handbook for September 2023 GOV.UK has released the 2023 Ofsted guidance for inspectors on how to carry out inspections for maintained schools and academies (England), which will come into...
Summary of changes: Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 The DfE has released their draft version of KCSiE 2023 – download a copy HERE. The guidance is for information only, and...
Meeting digital and technology standards in schools and colleges Over the Easter break the DfE introduced new filtering and monitoring standards, Meeting digital and technology standards in schools and colleges,...
Safeguarding and the National Emergency Alert The government is rolling out a new Emergency Alert system. The alert will be sent to a mobile phone or tablet and used to...
New legislation banning child marriage has come into force in England and Wales today, 27th February 2023. The new legislation now makes it illegal and a criminal offence to exploit vulnerable...
Many of our schools have reported seeing a rise in misogynist incidents happening in school, experiencing the verbal harassment of female teachers from some students, who often resonate with the...