Safeguarding Training
All our training courses are designed to significantly improve delegate understanding and are constantly updated in response to changing legislation including Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE), Working Together to Safeguard Children, Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Statutory Framework and the relevant best practice guidance.
Each course...
- covers definitions, terminology, prevalence, emerging trends and risks.
- helps identify vulnerabilities.
- covers updated signs, indicators, and behaviours of both victims and perpetrators, including adults working with children.
- addresses barriers to disclosure, builds confidence and the practical skills to manage concerns.
- provides valuable guidance and signposting to teaching and support resources.
- clarifies expectations when supporting a child and how to escalate concerns when needed.
- ensures all learning styles are engaged through embedded videos and scenario-based workshops that promote interaction and discussion.
- evidences learning with participation certificates.
Courses are presented as:
- trainer-led and can be delivered face-to-face or virtually.
- self-paced e-learning.
- for self-delivery by school staff with a full PowerPoint and resource presentation pack.
Additional support is available on selected courses including:
- Video recording of the FULL course to ensure new or absent staff are trained to the same level efficiently and effectively.
- Full course information booklet and resources list.
- *Individual delegate assessment.
*For our group courses, these individual assessments are collated to provide a management report with RAG review to evidence all delegates understanding and identify any gaps in knowledge or individual concerns.
Whole School Safeguarding Awareness
Meets all requirements from the latest Keeping Children Safe in Education.
Based on Part 1, Part 5, and Annex B of KCSiE, this course outlines and presents essential information in line with additional statutory and best practice guidance. Full course video included.
349 credits – Course & video only
99 credits – Optional online assessment
Available to those customers who have previously commissioned our 2-hr Safeguarding & Child Protection Awareness training
Targeted to spotlight the changes made since KCSiE 2023, this course enhances knowledge of salient responsibilities across Part 1, Part 5, and Annex B of KCSiE.
Full 2-hour training course video is included.
349 credits – Course & full training video only
99 credits – Optional online assessment
A Safeguarding & Child Protection Awareness training resource – designed to be delivered in a 1-hr session.
Focussed on the latest changes to KCSiE, this update highlights salient safeguarding responsibilities across Part 1 of KCSiE.
The resource pack is designed for the DSL to deliver in school, and includes a PowerPoint presentation with trainer guidance and embedded workshop materials to stimulate discussion, interaction and promote understanding.
The course material includes a safeguarding quiz to support you in evidencing staff understanding.
129 credits
Focused on the ever-evolving digital challenges facing children and young people, including emerging platforms, games and apps, as well as developing behaviours and online language. Considers the expanding support through the Online Safety Act, curriculum resources, and specialist child protection agencies.
349 credits – Course & video only
99 credits – Optional online assessment
With reference to the updated statutory duty guidance following recommendations from the Independent Review of Prevent, and the expanded definition of extremism. Embedded scenarios encourage identification and recognition of the radicalisation process, and extremism is considered from Right Wing & Islamist perspectives. Additionally referencing hate crime, the Incel movement, fake news and online influencers supporting misogyny/misandry. Incorporates the responsibility for effective filtering and monitoring systems, importance of modern British Values and how to embed these within education, the Prevent referral process and Channel guidance.
325 credits – Course only
99 credits – Optional online assessment
Governors & Trustees
Ensuring governing bodies, trustees and proprietors understand their own strategic duties and obligations, including under the Human Rights Act, the Equality Act and Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED)* to ensure safeguarding in their school is effective, complies with the law, and has a senior board level lead to take leadership responsibility for the wider safeguarding arrangements in their setting.
ALL governors, trustees, management committees and senior leaders must receive appropriate safeguarding and child protection training (including online safety) both regularly and from induction. This interactive trainer-led course equips them with the tools to provide the strategic challenge to test, and therefore assure themselves, that the safeguarding policies and procedures in place in school are effectively support a robust whole school approach to safeguarding.
Course video and information booklet included.
349 credits – Course only
99 credits – Optional online assessment
*Reference to Keeping Children Safe in Education, Working Together to Safeguard Children, Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework (EYFS), Education Act, Governance Guidance & Competence Framework, Education (Independent Schools Standards) Regulations, Non-Maintained Special Schools (England) Regulations, Inspecting Safeguarding in Early Years, Education and Skills Settings.
Trainer-led Advanced Safeguarding Courses
Recognition of Adverse Childhood Experiences and understanding of their impact. The course specifically addresses disorders including anxiety and depression, and considers the impact of gender roles, religion, self-harm, and emotionally based school avoidance (EBSA) on pupil well-being. Practical breakouts including healthy coping strategies and grounding techniques are embedded to increase the confidence of all staff in dealing with concerning behaviour.
325 credits – Course only
99 credits – Optional online assessment
Considering both criminal and sexual exploitation of children, the imbalance of power and the recruitment or grooming process. Clarifies vulnerability through the push and pull factors experienced by exploited children and considers the additional challenges caused by cost-of-living impacts on families and communities. Considers related challenges including weapons and serious violence, and strengthens confidence for dealing with concerns including county lines, modern slavery, child trafficking and organised begging.
325 credits – Course only
99 – Optional online assessment
Acknowledgement of the growing challenge of child-on-child sexual violence and sexual harassment, now integrated into KCSiE. Focussed on emerging risks and influences both physically and online, changing behaviours & language, and the opportunity to consider how to identify harmful sexual behaviour. Scenarios explore how developmental stage, motivation and context should be taken into account, and the responsibility for a zero-tolerance approach.
325 credits – Course only
99 – Optional online assessment
The course specifically addresses female genital mutilation (FGM), virginity testing, forced marriage, breast ironing, and explores honour-based abuse within the LGBT+ community. It additionally considers the challenges and barriers victims encounter in disclosing abuse, recognition of triggering behaviours and examines the indicators of disguised compliance.
325 credits – Course only
99 – Optional online assessment
Based on the 2022 guidance from the Safer Recruitment Consortium and additional best practice guidance, the course considers the need to ensure that all adults, who work with children and young people, are competent, confident, and safe to do so. Providing a clear message that unacceptable behaviour will not be tolerated and that, where appropriate, legal, or disciplinary action is likely to follow. Scenarios and workshops explore which behaviours constitute safe practice and which behaviours staff should avoid, how to recognise concerns and what to do if these are about another adult or the practices within a setting.
325 credits – Course only
99 – Optional online assessment
Based on the 2022 guidance from the DfE with additional updated focus, this is an interactive workshop to clarify the appropriate powers and rules around pupil behaviour and how it works within your setting. Clarifies roles and responsibilities including the role of the Headteacher, DSL and authorised staff, prohibited and banned item identification, grounds and extent of search, and how to manage and support before, during and after a search.
325 credits – Course only
99 – Optional online assessment
Acknowledging the influence on children facing adversity in the home through parental mental health challenges, substance abuse and domestic violence. Considering research in the area and the opportunity to discuss signs and indicators through scenarios.
325 credits – Course only
99 – Optional online assessment
Safeguarding Team
Private group bookings are available for trainer-led courses – call us for more details.
Developed by our NSPCC Approved Trainer to ensure your knowledge of safeguarding and child protection procedures is not only in-depth but also up to date to provide you with the essential knowledge and understanding of the expectations, responsibilities, and duties of this role.
Our training is fully compliant with the criteria as laid out in Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE).
Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs)
Courses are available as trainer-led face-to-face or virtual, or through our e-learning portal.
Training for both DSL New to Role and DSL 2 Yearly Update includes the following course content:
- The role and responsibilities of the Safeguarding Team and working with local agencies
- Identify the latest key legislation underpinning safeguarding in England
- Introduction of reflection and the tools needed to be effective.
- Understand why we need a contextual approach to safeguarding and child protection.
- Responsibilities towards the schools filtering and monitoring systems.
- Reflection on real life scenarios, identifying poor practices and embedding lessons learnt.
- Consider the signs, indications and required response to Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) and other emerging safeguarding concerns.
- Understand how to respond to allegations and low-level concerns around adults in school.
- Importance of record keeping and effective information sharing.
Our advanced DSL training meets the criteria as described in the previous level 3 DSL training system.
Build your safeguarding and child protection knowledge to encompass values, attitudes and beliefs.
This course is aimed at:
- New Designated (or Deputy) Safeguarding Leads
- New members of the Safeguarding Team
- New Senior Leadership Team members, with responsibility for Safeguarding
- New Nominated Safeguarding Governors
Delegates are required to complete an online assessment, and after passing will receive an information booklet signposting to the latest guidance and additional training, plus a PDF overview of the standard course slides.
269 credits per delegate – Trainer-led
115 credits per delegate – Self-paced eLearning (approx. 6 hrs)
Our advanced DSL training meets the criteria as described in the previous level 3 DSL training system.
Keeping Children Safe in Education requires the DSL and any deputies to undergo training every two years in order to provide them with the knowledge and skills required to carry out their role, not only to provide support and advice but to ensure they meet the statutory requirements.
Prerequisites: All participants, attending this course, must have completed DSL New to Role or appropriate statutory training, in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education, within the past two years. In addition it is expected that, as an experienced DSL, you will have read and have a good understanding of the latest version of the following guidance; Keeping Children Safe in Education, Working Together to Safeguard Children, Statutory Framework for Early Years (if applicable).
This course is aimed at experienced
- Designated (and Deputy) Safeguarding Leads,
- Members of the Safeguarding Team,
- Senior Leadership Team members, with responsibility for Safeguarding
Delegates are required to complete an online assessment, and after passing will receive an information booklet signposting to the latest guidance and additional training, plus a PDF overview of the standard course slides.
225 credits per delegate – Trainer-led
115 credits per delegate – Self-paced eLearning (approx. 6 hrs)
Safeguarding Practitioners
Trainer-led and available virtually. Delegates are required to complete an online assessment, and after passing will receive an information booklet signposting to the latest guidance and additional training.
Recognising the need to develop front-line staff to meet the challenges of safeguarding and child protection and offer further support, and capacity, to the safeguarding team. This course builds on standard staff safeguarding and child protection awareness training. Delegates will recognise how personal perspectives influence the recognition of signs and indicators of abuse, how to identify and deal with disguised compliance and hostility from parents/carers and contribute to workshops that develop effective practical strategies to meet the needs of children and families within their care.
This course is suitable for:
- SENDCo’s
- Pastoral
- ICT leads
- Heads of Year
- Family Liaison etc
99 credits per delegate
Early Years
Trainer-led and available virtually or face-to-face. Delegates are required to complete an online assessment, and after passing will receive an information booklet signposting to the latest guidance and additional training.
Section 3 of the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) states there must be a practitioner designated to take lead responsibility for safeguarding children in every setting. The lead practitioner must attend a child protection training course that enables them to identify, understand and respond appropriately to signs of possible abuse and neglect.
This 1-day session has been developed to provide essential knowledge and understanding of the expectations, responsibilities and duties of early years safeguarding lead role (Group and School-based providers) in accordance with the latest guidance including EYFS, Keeping Children Safe in Education, Working Together to Safeguard Children, The Prevent Duty, Disqualification under the Childcare Act and many more. The friendly and interactive session covers safeguarding principles including responsibilities, statutory legislation & best practice, the importance of safer recruitment & record keeping, what to do if you are worried a child is being abused, managing allegations, safeguarding issues and much more….
99 credits per delegate
For experienced and qualified DSL’s and EYSL’s, this refresher course focuses on the changes and emerging challenges in the early years sector, and outlines and presents essential information in line with additional statutory and best practice guidance
69 credits per delegate
Safer Recruitment in Education
Trainer-led and available virtually. Information and resource booklet included.
Can be booked for private group sessions face-to-face or virtually – please contact us for further information.
Safer recruitment is one of the most important aspects of protecting and safeguarding the children in your care. It is a statutory requirement that at least one member of a school recruitment panel must have undertaken safer recruitment training.
This virtual, Safer Recruitment Consortium, accredited course gives attendees the information and understanding they need to recruit safely and comply with relevant statutory guidance. It is suitable for MAT’s, headteachers, school governors, the safeguarding team and all others involved in staff selection. Assessment is incorporated within the training.
175 credits per delegate
Safer recruitment is one of the most important aspects of protecting and safeguarding the children in your care. This training is ideally placed to act as a refresher session. It will take you through the necessary updated steps required to ensure the people working with children in your educational setting are safe to do so.
For anyone NEW to safer recruitment roles and responsibilities, we would recommend attending our accredited Safer Recruitment in Education 1 day workshop.
69 credits per delegate
Covering how to manage and be compliant with your SCR template.
The SCR is a key safeguarding document and is often the first thing which is looked at by School Inspectors to determine that those working in school are safe to do so. This document plays a crucial part in establishing and evidencing mandatory safeguarding recruitment practices are being adhered to.
This interactive training has been developed in accordance with statutory legislation, to complement and further strengthen existing safer recruitment knowledge, as well as give those staff members responsible, the confidence and understanding for daily management of the SCR. It will take you through the safer recruitment steps to ensure a clear understanding of compliance around the minimum requirements for entries on the SCR. This course is not intended to replace the need to attend a statutory Safer Recruitment training session.
69 credits per delegate
Safeguarding Training
Safeguarding Services
Our safeguarding services are here to save you time and effort and be confident you have accessed the latest statutory and best practice guidance to support your setting.
Key safeguarding model policy templates which are self editable so you can add your school logo and reflect school/setting specific procedures.
- Safeguarding & Child Protection
- Online Safety
- Acceptable Use
- Supporting Children at School with Medical Conditions
- Intimate Care
- Volunteer
- External Visitors
- Recruitment & Selection
- Complaints
- Managing Serial Complainants
525 credits for suite of model policy templates
Email support for operational and safer recruitment advice with prompt response times to ensure decisions are supported in a timely and accurate manner – full academic year.
139 credits
(Excludes local child protection processes, referrals, and guidance)
10 sets of 10 quiz questions (and answers) for you to roll out on a regular basis to ensure safeguarding and child protection remains as a priority for all staff within your setting. Updated to reflect statutory and best practice changes and ensure you have the evidence that staff understand their responsibilities.
69 credits
(Included with Silver, Gold and Platinum packages)
Half-termly information guides to share with parents, covering key emerging themes such as online safety, exploitation, grooming etc, and what to do if you are concerned about another child.
69 credits
(Included with the Platinum package)
Get in touch to confirm your package choice for 2024/2025
All credit value shown is subject to VAT
No cash equivalent and all credits must be redeemed in academic year 24/25
Frequently asked questions
Packages can commence at any time during the academic year and the duration is to the end of the academic year.
Our package range is vast and includes training and support services.
Training includes:
- Whole School Staff Awareness training – Statutory & Best Practice
- Self-Delivery Resource Pack
- Statutory Governor & Trustee
- Safeguarding Practitioner
- Early Years
- Safer Recruitment
- eLearning
Services include:
- Key Safeguarding Template Policies
- Email Support
- Safeguarding Quizzes
See full details HERE
You can choose from the following Staff Awareness Training sessions:
- Safeguarding & Child Protection
- Online Safety
- Adverse Childhood Experiences & Childhood Mental Health
- Child Exploitation
- Honour Based Abuse
- Safer Working Practices
- Searching, Screening & Confiscation
- The Trio of Vulnerabilities
CLICK HERE to read more about our Staff Awareness Training sessions.
Our Safeguarding Packages align to the school academic year.
You don’t need to confirm anything except your preferred package! You can just redeem your credits when you’re ready.
Yes! Clients commissioning a package not only get discounted costs but can open up additional benefits relevant to their service, such as access to essential resources, CPD sessions, free online training, priority invitation to events, self-assessment toolkits and much more.